Author Profile
Maria P
Maria is 35, single and living in the cosmopolitan apex of Pasadena, TX. She also has a 3 year old daughter. She is a relatively new writer, although, as a child, she kept detailed journals and tried her hand at poetry, only to discover that prose was more to her liking. Her first foray into fanfic was in the "Blake's 7" fandom, where she created an original character with a homicidal bent. "Homicide: Life on the Streets" was her first major undertaking as far as writing goes. She relishes the challenge of working with an established style, as well as introducing her own original characters.
She enjoys reading such writer as David Simon, and other authors in the true crime genre, and is currently developing an interest in books on counterculture. She is currently working on more "Homicide: Life on the Street" fiction, and her ultimate goal would be to write a book on the police in Houston, Texas.